
The river Nera comes from the Sibillini Mountains and after Visso wedges in a narrow and evocative valley, that by the river, takes the name of Valnerina.
FERENTILLO: “The Pearl of Valnerina”, a place rich in history, art and traditions. Natural environment remained almost uncontaminated: green nature dominates unchallenged. Between the lush vegetation, medieval fortifications, small villages, hills and imposing abbeys emerge.

To visit

The mummies museum

Under the church of Saint Stefano, a rare phenomenon of natural mummification due to the presence of a micro fungus, the type of soil and the particular climate.

The ethnographic museum Silvani

A rich collection of objects and work tools of the peasant civilization, are located in an ancient XVII century mill, in Monterivoso.

St.Pietro in the valley Abbey

A monument of great importance for the richness of the artistic testimonies it conserves, from the numerous Roman sarcophagi to the cycle of frescoes of Umbrian school of the  XII century.

For information, offers and discounts contact I Terzieri.

Ph.:.+39 347 629 2239

Mail: info@iterzieri.it

To do

The Nera River section from Ferentillo to the Marmore Falls, about 12,5 miles, is a protected area, we are in the Nera River Park, we are in the realm of water and adventure sports and theme parks. In the clear waters of the Nera River you can practice spinning, fly fishing, and no-kill fishing.
The caves that open inside the cliff of the Marmore Falls are the paradise for caving speleologists.
Marked and tabulated paths for walking, horse riding, mountain biking and quads have been organized: enjoyable fun!

Where waters are strong raging, rafting is practiced. Where the waters are quieter instead, you can practice canoeing.


On the rocky walls of Ferentillo sports climbing is largely practiced and a rock school is active.

There are paths for hiking, horse rides and moutain bike.

For information, offers and discounts contact I Terzieri.

Ph.:.+39 347 629 2239

Mail: info@iterzieri.it

To taste

Trout, truffles, oil, honey, wine, the typical products of Norcineria are also unbeatable treasures of these places, absolutely to taste!


For information, offers and discounts contact I Terzieri.

Ph.:.+39 347 629 2239

Mail: info@iterzieri.it


“Lu Ciuccittu” festival

It takes place on Easter Sunday and  Monday, an ancient game with “fresh hen eggs”.

Le Rocche Raccontano
From August 20th, fifteen living pictures in the most suggestive corners of Ferentillo, along about 1,9 miles journey, tell the story of the town. Unforgettable nights where you meet primitives, warriors, witches, nuns, princes, brigands…